Demon Slayer Episode 1 - "Cruelty"
First thing that grabs me about this anime is how detailed the graphics are. Is this the norm these days, or am I still stuck in the nineties?!?
The setting is obviously Japan, but it could pass as some thick dark forest in northern Norway.
The girlfriend has decided to ditch any morals and watch it with me, probably to point things out every five seconds, which is already annoying me. I should point out as well that I'm watching in Japanese with English subtitles, not just to appease her but also because dubbing of any sort, on any TV, is just plain WRONG!
She tells me that this boy wearing a green and black checked cloak is the main character, Tanjiro. He sets off to sell charcoal to the village down the mountain. Seems to be a well-liked member of the community. Anyway, this kid Tanjiro returns home to find his family has been murdered!! The mother and a few of the siblings, except one (who appears to have been murdered, yet still alive?!?!?!?)
First thing that hits you is the crime scene. A brutal homicide, by anime standards. The red blood is a great contrast to the white snow, and I love it. It's clear that they've grabbed my attention, and we're only about five minutes or so in (could be ten).
Another thing that hits me is that the sibling (who is literally the living dead) is Tanjiro's sister, and she looks like my girlfriend!! I intend to point this out at some point but not just yet. Christ, she even has a similar name - Nezuko. Girlfriend is called Noriko. In fact Noriko---I mean Nezuko---is familiar from any Demon Slayer merchandise or adverts that I've noticed---pink dress, bamboo-type contraption in her mouth, gormless look in her eyes....
Rest of the episode is Tanjiro trying to stop Nezuko from devouring him, as it appears she's turned into some monster. Although, if I was watching correctly, she seems to subconsciously recognise him. A hunter-type character (I forget the name) appears and spends a while trying to slay Nezuko while simultaneously spouting wisecracks. Not sure who he's pontificating to either---Tanjiro or me watching? Anyway, he spares her from a 'proper' death after seeing the bond between the siblings and also some cunning axemanship from our check-cloaked protagonist who stands up to him.
They head off to meet some old man, who I presume is gonna be some sort of a cross between Yoda and Mr Miyagi....
Before I go, don't forget to check out our Demon Slayer Collection of Japan-exclusive goodies! Your collection isn't complete with out it!