Demon Slayer: Intro
My Japanese girlfriend has been badgering me all week to start watching Japanese anime. She thinks I'll enjoy it, that it'll make me want to study Japanese more.
I heard through the grapevine that lots of westerners watch Japanese anime, and it shocked me. I mean, it's one thing watching Dennis the Menace or He-Man during school holidays and wanting to be Batman on the playground (I always wanted to be the Penguin by the way), but GROWN MEN AND WOMEN watching cartoons???
Anyway, the missus (she ain't yet, by the way) has warmed me up to the idea, so I've started investigating what anime is popular. I'd say "All ideas are welcome," but as you might guess, since it's her house, I will eventually get shoe-horned into watching what she wants. I'm my own man, though (I'm not, by the way, and neither is any man, despite what we want ourselves to believe).
So far it seems Doraemon (some robot in the future) is an option, as she thinks it's funny and cute. Jewjitsew Kaisen (Jujitsu Kaisen? Jujutsu Kaisen?) is another, as she thinks it's cool. Pokémon, anyone? A bit cliché though, isn't it? Some of my buddies said their kids watch Demon Slayer. Now that sounds cool!
The missus said Demon Slayer is "too cruel" and "violent" and she'd rather I watch something more "family-friendly," as she "doesn't want our kids (kids!!!) (???) (!?!?!?) growing up with any cruel intentions (now there was a movie!!)"
Demon Slayer it is, then! I'll damn well watch this! Just to spite her.
Not today, though. I'll start tomorrow....
No, I really will, just to see the look on her face. I can't wait!