Collection: Nanzanen Aichi Prefecture Premium Nishio Matcha

Nishio matcha originated in 1271 when Shoichi Kokushi, the founder of Jisso-ji Temple, planted tea trees for the first time in the Mikawa region of Aichi prefecture. Since then, Nishio matcha has become one of the highest quality matcha in all of Japan. Even Japanese historical figures such as Tokugawa Ieyasu in the Edo period were impressed with the refined taste of this tea, and prominent figures in Japanese society have promoted cultivation in the area ever since.   

Nanzanen tea company's long history begins in the late Meiji period when Zenichiro Tomita continued Kokuchi's legacy by cultivating tea in Mikawa, Aichi. Today, Nanzanen is one of the few matcha manufacturers in Japan with their own tea plantation. What separates them from other tea-makers in the Nishio region is their traditional production methods. By using stone mills, they are able to continue a tea production method used for over 1,000 years to make delicious, high-quality tea.